Sunday, November 9, 2014

I am home!

So to skip a few weeks, I wanted to write out some things that I have been thinking about.

1. WE HAVE TO BE SO CAREFUL TO REMEMBER WHAT IS IMPORTANT. We need to put the most important things first in our lives. In the mission field, for me this was a lot more simple to do. But being home and having many things to juggle around has made this more of a challenge. Here is my list of WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO ME:

God: Pleasing Heavenly Father and Following Jesus Christ. Doing His will and becoming like Him. Being strictly obedient to be HAPPY.

Family: Putting my family before others and making sure that I serve them, show them I love them, and help them with their testimonies.

Friends: Be a good friend and help my friends see their potential and feel good about themselves. Help them see what heaven sees in them.

School: Getting the best education possible to be highly trained to help others in the community

Work: Supporting myself. Becoming the best nurse possible.

Sports: Use my talents and have fun. Take care of my body.

Joseph Smith made a list similar to this and his list said: 1. Kingdom of God  2. Family and Friends.
I know that it is critical and vital to REMEMBER what really requires our attention. The world has several voices yelling at us to go this way....think about this....go for this....THIS should be your goal...this will make you happy....this is most important...blah blah blah. Well, wisdom in all of this is that if it isn't a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ or if it is not light so to speak or rather a thing that will lead you closer to God, it is wrong.

I know for women and even men these days they are pressured on every corner to look and be a certain way. To overfocus on things that will eventually pass away in 30 years or less. What a waste of a life to overfocus on those things. Let's focus on things that will STAY. Not sports team wins, not lottery, not prince charming, not a model body....but virtue:)

I have a goal this week to focus on the REAL and EVERLASTING things that will in the end HELP ME BECOME LIKE HEAVENLY FATHER AND WHO HE WANTS ME TO BE.

I know God lives. I want to be like Him. I am thankful for Jesus Christ. I want to do all that He has showed. I know that by following Christ, we will be happy and it will be a joy that will never leave.

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