Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Here are some tips I got from a Sister Missionary that I loved!

1. Keep a miracle journal- When times get hard it will help you remember just how involved the Lord is in our lives and how much he loves us. 

2. Keep a testimony journal- have each of your companions write their testimony in your journal. You will appreciate this after the mission.

3. Obedience is so important. Keep in mind though, that you are human and if you mess up a time or two don't let it ruin your day. The Lord just asks for YOUR personal best. Why are we obedient? It is becuase we love the Lord and want to do what he asks of us. Try our best but don't let a mess up discourage you or interfere with the work. 

4. Take the time to stop and remember where you are. Realize that you are in PORTUGAL and soak that in! Missionary work is busy but take the time to stop and smell the roses. Go grab a yummy pastry for lunch!

5. On Pdays- get out and see Portgual! You won't be there forever, get out and experience it! 

6. Buy your hairdryer there- the converting plug doesn't work well with hairdryers. 

7. You will probably feel like you don't know the gospel like you thought you did at times. Realize that this is normal. Don't be discouraged. Your knowledge of every detail of the gospel is not what will convert people- it is the spirit that will prick the people's hearts. Our job is to do our best and make sure we live so that we can always have the spirit to be with us. Teach with the spirit!

8. The Lord loves you too. You are going to be busy with worrying about your investigators and others and you will be immersed in the work. You are going to be doing a lot for others but don't forget that he loves you too. Just remember that!

9. Go to every meeting with a question about your investigators and one for you. If you pray to have these answered before you go, they will! 

10. Exercise every morning that it is scheduled to. It will help you feel better and will invigorate your mind. Bring a jumprope in case you have a companion who doesn't like to go outside for a run.

11. Some missionaries focus more on fun then work. When you get involved in the work, the work becomes the fun. It is so fun seeing how the gospel changes others lives and it brings true joy. Make sure you are working hard and you will start to see how fun missionary work is! 

12. Let the Lord mold and shape you. Don't change who you are, let Him mold you and help you grow. Try to become a better person, not a different one. He will lead you and guide you to what he wants you to become.

13. A necklace is too flashy or too much if it attracts more attention than your badge. 

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